39YO FDW Celebrates Her Birthday for the First Time by Her S’pore Employers

From time to time, we see things that make us regain our faith in humanity.

Things like this definitely do.

Employer Surprised Domestic Helper on Her Birthday

On 6 February, Instagram user @anna__leyman took to Instagram to share the birthday surprise that her family planned for their foreign domestic worker.


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A post shared by ? a n n s i m m o n s ? (@anna__leyman)

In the video, the domestic helper, Ruenah, who is from Indonesia, is seen to be extremely emotional when presented with a birthday cake and song by her employers.


Within less than three days, the post garnered over 1,600 likes and 88 comments, with many probably feelings as warm and fuzzy on the inside as Ruenah did during the surprise.

Her First Birthday Celebration

Prior to her birthday, Ruenah, who had started to work for the family in May 2021, mentioned to her employers that she had never celebrated her birthday while in her home country before due to financial constraints back home.

After hearing that, her employer, Anna Leyman, 34, then decided to organise a surprise for Ruenah’s very first birthday celebration in her life.

The Surprise

On the day of her birthday, the entire family pretended to forget that it was Ruenah’s birthday, so as to increase the surprise factor when they walked in.

As Ruenah was doing chores, Ms Leyman’s two young daughters walked into the house while holding a chocolate cake.

The family also began to sing the birthday song.

Ruenah fell to the floor and started crying, clearly emotional from the celebration that she had just been given.

After seeing that her helper had started crying, Leyman’s older daughter asked, “Why you cry? You baby or what?”

Ah, kids.

Ruenah then wiped her tears and hugged the younger girl.

Apart from the cake, there was also McDonald’s to go along with the celebration as well.

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Gratitude Towards Ruenah

In her Instagram caption, Ms Leyman mentioned, “Every human deserve to be loved regardless who they are. Whether they are your employee or your family”, and that we should all “Just be kind to everything”.

Indeed, many in the comments also echoed the same sentiment and left well wishes for both Ruenah and the family.

Many also acknowledged how much domestic helpers sacrifice to work in Singapore, and other domestic helpers who commented on the post also recalled their own similar experiences.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@anna__leyman)
